New Leipzig- Home Of Oktoberfest

– deutscher Alltag oder amerikanischer Traum? Ist New Leipzig und Home Of Oktoberfest Beobachtung oder Behauptung, Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit?

New Leipzig – Home Of Oktoberfest – deutscher Alltag oder amerikanischer Traum? Ist New Leipzig Beobachtung oder Behauptung, Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit? Ende des 19., Anfang 20. Jahrhunderts machten sich tausende Europäer auf den Weg nach Amerika. Hinter sich lassen wollten oder gar mussten sie ihre Heimat. In eine neue Welt, ins Abenteuerliche, in das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Eine Welt die die Möglichkeit bietet, sich neu zu erfinden, sich zu vervollständigen oder Tradition neu zu interpretieren.
Was meint das New in New Leipzig? Und wo ist die New Leipzig School zu verorten?

three men They have a parade and tractor pulls. They have that little train… and then they hide money in straw. Yeah, they had that. And you‘ve got to find it. They had the turtle race. That’s right. They had a turtle race. I don’t know how many people show up, 500 to 1000. It really goes two days, really. It’s two days. single man It starts on a Friday night and lasts all day Saturday and then on Sunday morning we have a church service. single woman We have a beer garden in the community center. We serve beer on Friday evenings and then on Saturday morning we have a parade – a kiddy parade, and then a parade with floats in it, and there are like German /Russian foods that they sell, and then in the afternoon we have adult games and children’s games, and we have a dance on Saturday night, and the firemen usually have a supper. single man The beer garden is just inside a big, a large metal building. They‘re celebrating the harvest, the end of harvest and a good harvest hopefully, and they drink a little beer and dance a little bit, have a good time. single man Well, this year they had it on the 4th of July. single man It‘s usually the last full weekend in September. A special anniversary or something, or an old school reunion and then it’s in June or July. three men There were some … (Auszug)

New Leipzig– Home Of Oktoberfest Videoscript color/sound 9 min., 2006/7